My New Office... Sort of.

I had an eye Dr appt last week. First one ever. Found out I need glasses for being slightly near sighted. Not necessary to function, but the glasses will make me more comfortable. When I told the Dr about my work and how it was hard to work with the computer screen in the dark, he said I *have* to work in a well lit area.

So, I came home and assessed the situation. And here is the result:

Yes that is a washing machine you see next to my desk...

My new office is in my laundry room. I am getting SO MUCH laundry done now! LOL

I lost my lovely window however, so I picked up this great picture on clearance at KMart for $7!

It's worked out very well so far. My next project is decluttering my bedroom and turning it into an awesome retreat for my hubby and me.


  1. Hey, do what works LOL! It's funny how the eyes differ sometimes. My husband has to have a ton of light at the computer. Me, I have to turn off the lights at the desk or it gives me an awful headache.


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