My desk and work area has been moved all over my house since we moved into this house 4 1/2 years ago. It started out by the rear window in the master bedroom. Then it moved to the kitchen, then living room, then back to kitchen, then laundry room, then back to living room, back to laundry room, then to a corner in the master bedroom, then back to the window in the master bedroom... and now it's back to the corner of the master bedroom... but this time it's better laid out and planned. Everything has a place and is within easy reach.
(Scroll down for photos) We got rid of some furniture in there that wasn't necessary to make more room as well. We came to terms with the fact that we don't actually lay in bed and watch TV. We prefer sitting on the sectional couch we got with the last tax refund and watching it on the flat screen. So we got over having the TV in the perfect spot for viewing from the bed. It can be seen from my desk chair and also the bed. It's fine. The Treadmill is set up 24/7 now. It's in front of the dresser, but we can still reach our clothes and the drawers open fine. Having it easy to use and ready to go is much more important. That's also how I felt about my office. I don't care so much how pleasing it all is to the eye, as long as it functions the way it needs to.
The mini fridge is close at hand for bottled water, carrots and hummus, milk for my chai tea, etc. The crates stacked on top of it hold extra supplies, paperwork I need to get to - that's an ongoing battle- and my snack food and tea cubby. Next to my desk is an antique table, which is very pretty and I would love to showcase more, but for now, it functions as an actual table - which is the more important thing. It holds my kettle which has a very short cord but has to plug directly into the wall or it blows the power strip breakers - that annoys me to NO end! Also, the Vonage phone which has to be hooked up to the modem which is hiding down between the table and the fridge. It also holds Porch Cat's box. It's a lot of space to give up to a cat, but he's my buddy and I don't mind. He doesn't sleep in it nearly as much as he used to sleep in his old box. I need to get another one like it was. (It was from my kids' lunch drinks case).
The desk itself holds my work laptop and the extra monitor I can no longer live without. I can't believe how long I worked with just one screen. Ugh. I have a small mini-bulb lamp that gives just enough light to not make my eyes strain but not too bright either. My pen and pencil holder which stays on my desk and actually stays full. Now that my desk isn't in the traffic path to the bathroom anymore, it gets a lot less people just coming by to grab a pencil. Working well so far. I also have my PAI cowbell sitting on my desk. It was sent to me from my employer. Since I telecommute and never go into the office (which is in San Diego), they send us the stuff local employees get sometimes too. The cowbell was part of the cultural thing they were doing at the time. It's kind of cool. They send a lot of t shirts too which is awesome.
On the other side of my desk chair is the filing cabinet which I can actually get to and use now. And I actually do! I have a small bookcase sitting on top of it. it holds the printer, baskets of office supplies, my home management binder(s) - I have 2 now, a large full size one and a small mini binder one I LOVE. Another tray of paperwork I need to get through. Again, working on that. Then on top, I have my big basket that holds larger things like phone books, school picture envelopes etc. Also a few decorative boxes to hold more stuff I want to keep but not actually look at all the time. Currently they're actually empty, which is good I guess.
On the walls are some of the geeky things my husband and I both collect. I've gotten over the idea of having a bedroom/ home office space that could be in a magazine or one of the fancy blogs I follow. I want it to feel comfy. I want to put up things on the wall that make me smile. I'm planning on getting a display case for the Challenge Coins we have through work as well as some art from the products sold by the company I work for (Wizards of the Coast). PAI is the company contracted by Wizards to do their Customer Service, but I worked for Wizards even before PAI took over our team, so I have loyalty to both really. Some of the Magic cards have some amazing art.
So, here's some photos of my Home Office. Of course the pics are a little dark. I still work the evening shift, and I didn't think to take the pics while it was light outside.
Me in my office at work. Porchie the cat was actually asleep in my lap. You can't see him. |
My wall of geeky stuff and one of my calendars. We have a big Flylady calendar in the back hallway. |
Porchie, my work buddy. He's usually in my lap if he's in here. He's annoyed I'm not sitting down. |
My cowbell |
Porchie's box and my kettle |
My snack corner. It used to hold much more healthy snacks (as did the fridge). Hope to get back to that. |
Porchie trying to use his mental powers to force me to sit down so he can sleep in my lap. |
Since I've been keeping the rest of my house basically straightened up and caught up on dishes and laundry, I will try to get posts on the rest of the house soon. My camera phone does videos too, I'd love to do a house tour. Maybe soon.
Have a great weekend y'all!