October seems to be the month for decluttering and organizing in blogland!

I've seen a bunch of blogs talking about doing a 31 Days of Decluttering or 31 Days of Organizing.

While I'm not doing anything structured, I am going to try to follow as many of them as I can find. I've a week and a half behind on Flylady missions, and she says not to do that,.. to just jump in where we are.  So I am going to let the ones I missed go, and start over tomorrow.  I'll do this week's and if I get time to do Monday's mission, then I will.  Plus I'll be doing the 31 day challenges I find.

That's not too much too expect is it?  LOL  Maybe not for a person who has a different sleep schedule, no kids at home, and tons of free time. I am not that person.  But I will sure try to do as much as I can!