We don't have a tree yet. We've had a real tree the last two years, and always talk about buying an artificial tree, but still don't have one. Right now, we can't afford to get a tree, so I just tried to get other stuff put out.
First of all, we went grocery shopping, then came home and put stuff away. Then we packed up the fall decorations, and then started pulling out the Christmas stuff. We store it under Faelyn's bed since it's a tall antique full size bed. Plenty of room back up under there.
Christopher wanted to do the tabletop tree and the sideboard, so I let him do that, while I made sure the girls cleaned up the house and I did the kitchen table and other little things here and there.
These aren't all the decorations, and I have actually already changed stuff around on the kithen table and added a couple things to the sideboard. I'll get more pics later.
This just accidentally turned out mostly white. We liked how it turned out. I'll do another post later with the other stuff I added, including a crystal candlestick with a white taper, my white gravy boat shaped like a sleigh with poinsettias on it, etc.
The bigger bunny is antique and was given to me as a child by the old lady who still owned the plantation my papaw was a sharecropper on. She left him half her farm. The other bunny I found at a craft store and thought it would make a nice little friend for the bigger one. It kind of looks like a guinea pig. :)
I love the lights and white poinsettias.
Christopher put this together. He liked it on the tea tray.
I also like the white with red poinsettias. If I buy more decorations, I'll try to stick with this theme.
Christopher made the bow and stuck the bird on as the topper. I love it. And it's white!
Stockings are fun :)
My kitchen table with the big ceramic santas. I got them really cheap at a thrift store last year.
My fake ironstone pitcher and vanilla scented pine cones in an antique bowl my Mom gave me years ago.
Citrus fruit has always reminded me of Christmas. We always bought boxes of them from the FFA at the high school each year when I was a kid, and there were always lots of oranges in my stocking. I love these baskets full of fruit. They were from gift baskets I got for something or other, and I thought there was no reason to throw out the baskets, even though they're not very sturdy. They hold fruit on the kitchen table nicely. I've changed this vignette around quite a bit and added my pedestal dish, and my Santa salt and pepper shakers, but you get the idea.
I've been loving seeing other blogs showing their Christmas decorations. They're a lot fancier than mine, but that's okay. I'm happy with our modest decor. Hope you're having fun decorating!
First of all, we went grocery shopping, then came home and put stuff away. Then we packed up the fall decorations, and then started pulling out the Christmas stuff. We store it under Faelyn's bed since it's a tall antique full size bed. Plenty of room back up under there.
Christopher wanted to do the tabletop tree and the sideboard, so I let him do that, while I made sure the girls cleaned up the house and I did the kitchen table and other little things here and there.
These aren't all the decorations, and I have actually already changed stuff around on the kithen table and added a couple things to the sideboard. I'll get more pics later.
This just accidentally turned out mostly white. We liked how it turned out. I'll do another post later with the other stuff I added, including a crystal candlestick with a white taper, my white gravy boat shaped like a sleigh with poinsettias on it, etc.

I love the lights and white poinsettias.
Christopher put this together. He liked it on the tea tray.
I also like the white with red poinsettias. If I buy more decorations, I'll try to stick with this theme.
Christopher made the bow and stuck the bird on as the topper. I love it. And it's white!
Stockings are fun :)
My kitchen table with the big ceramic santas. I got them really cheap at a thrift store last year.
My fake ironstone pitcher and vanilla scented pine cones in an antique bowl my Mom gave me years ago.
Citrus fruit has always reminded me of Christmas. We always bought boxes of them from the FFA at the high school each year when I was a kid, and there were always lots of oranges in my stocking. I love these baskets full of fruit. They were from gift baskets I got for something or other, and I thought there was no reason to throw out the baskets, even though they're not very sturdy. They hold fruit on the kitchen table nicely. I've changed this vignette around quite a bit and added my pedestal dish, and my Santa salt and pepper shakers, but you get the idea.
I've been loving seeing other blogs showing their Christmas decorations. They're a lot fancier than mine, but that's okay. I'm happy with our modest decor. Hope you're having fun decorating!